Accelerating the expansion of renewables by connecting producers with buyers of renewable energy

While PPAs are established in Europe's energy markets, they are relatively new to Switzerland.

Top three reasons why PPAs are the backbone to the energy transition

#01 Reduced and long-term secured energy cost

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) offer attractive, long-term, secured renewable energy prices. The agreements, which usually last between 5 and 10 years, help make companies’ electricity costs predictable. The prices per power unit are fixed at the contract's start, serving as a hedge to protect buyers from market price volatility.

#02 Reduced carbon emissions

PPAs also come with certificates of origin. By purchasing power from renewable sources like solar or wind, the PPAs help companies achieve their sustainability targets without investing directly in renewable energy infrastructure.

#03 Accelerated energy transition

PPAs are the backbone of the energy transition and make renewable energy power plants bankable. To the renewable energy producers, long-term contracts with off-takers serve as a security enabling the bankability of their projects.

Connecting consumers with producers of renewable energy

Green Energy Venture connects producers with renewable energy off-takers. Focusing on both parties’ energy requirements, GEV matches the needs to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agreement. The result: mutually beneficial and successful partnerships.

International lead arranger for PPAs

By closing the largest PPA in Poland, Green Energy Venture helped mark a significant milestone in the country's energy transition. Currently, Green Energy Venture is working on arranging the largest solar energy PPA in Switzerland, leveraging its European experience to accelerate the energy transition in its home country.

Curious to find out more and work with us? Contact Green Energy Venture.