Why "sustainable" is not an inspiring goal - we need a paradigm change!

From Fossil to Regenerative: why Sustainability is more than “Net Zero”.

The greatest and most urgent challenge of our generation is the transition to a world that functions without fossil fuels. The technology to do this is already here and somehow all we try to achieve is to be "less bad".

For years, "Net Zero", "Decarbonization" or "Renewable Generation" were the terms used to describe "sustainability". By "protecting" the environment or climate through terms like "net zero", "decarbonization", or "renewable generation", humanity was destined to achieved the bare minimum. We believe that it's time to protect our existence, secure our prosperity, and improve our quality of life. Time to turn a threat into an opportunity for everybody.

Learn more in our article on a regenerative energy future for all.

Join us on our mission - we are bold enough to believe that we can change the world by accelerating the transition to a positive, restorative energy future for all.